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Monday, April 8, 2013

Global Warming – Truth or Hoax? How many of you buy into this?

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I realize this may be a controversial subject because we all have our opinion on this, one way or another. Nothing I say here is going to change that, and that’s okay.

I have always been skeptical about everything, so I like to look at the facts, and then make up my mind about things. Scientific theory is easier for me to believe than the hype of today’s reporters and politicians. With that said, there is no solid evidence to suggest the Earth is in a state of global warming. Heck, we can’t even accurately predict the weather. How are we supposed to believe that we can predict changes happening years down the road?

I personally favor the thought that this is a natural process. The Earth goes through it ever so often, and this has been happening since the Earth has been around. It makes perfect sense, just like the ebb and flow of the tides every month because of the moon’s affect, only this is over a much longer period.

I know many people believe all the intense weather we’ve experienced lately is a sign, but I think the Earth has always had periods of strange weather. This is just a cycle, like the four seasons we go through. The only difference here is that we experience the seasons every year and everyone is used to that. What we have now may not happen but every few thousand years, so naturally, this rings people’s alarm bells. Then there are the ones who will take the people’s panic and exploit it for their own gain, namely politicians and the like. These people prey on the public’s fears. They are good at deception and can easily add new things of worry to the mix as needed.

I’m not saying that mankind has no influence on the condition of the Earth. I’m sure we do. We are wasteful and throw tons of garbage away in all the wrong places. On the process, we pollute our waters, and our air with factories. However, I think humans have always done this too, just on a grander scale today. There are a lot more of us too than there used to be years ago, so naturally we would have a greater affect with all our trash. This makes perfect sense, if you think about it.

How many of you here believe all this nonsense? I am interested in hearing your thoughts. If you leave comments, please give reasons to back up your thinking.

For more information, see this scientific article by clicking the link below.


  1. Sunni, the link you provided makes the case that climate change is in fact occurring. The site shows charts with the evidence--so there is evidence. If you say you believe scientists, why don't you believe the climate scientists?

  2. Jagoda,

    Thanks for reading and commenting. The climate scientists can't even predict our own weather correctly. Maybe I should have used a different link here, but there are many on the web when I was looking into this.

    This subject is a bit of a controversial one anyway, as all have their own beliefs on this issue.


  3. Sunni, there are sites and people who claim to be scientists obfuscating about climate change. When you see a name in the bibliography or as author of an article, conduct a separate search. Many of these folks are not experts in the climate or an area logically linked to climate. Some of these folks are paid well. Just as tobacco growers and pushers paid advertising agencies that then paid so-called experts to convince Congress, the FDA, and the public that there is no harm in smoking, big corporate interests hire these same agencies to cast doubt upon the reality of climate change. Serious scientists in fields linked to all things climate-related agree that climate change is occurring and is man-made. Articles such as yours do great harm to the problems we face. We simply must stop pretending that we are not ruining this earth for our children and grandchildren. Begin, please, for all of us, with better information. Here is one link that should help you rethink and review: http://billmoyers.com/episode/encore-ending-the-silence-on-climate-change

    1. Connie,

      Thank you for reading and commenting. I am not a big fan of Bill Moyers, however, I did read the articles on his page. (the link you posted got me to his page and then I had to look for the climate link to click on.)

      Of course man is responsible for SOME climate change, waste, etc, but I still BELIEVE this is a NATURAL cycle. I appreciate you points though and thanks for sharing them with me. There is no doubt that people buy each other off all the time.

      However, we all have our beliefs on this, the same as we do with politics and religion. No one's mind will really be changed by another's views, but I do want to set you at ease that I am careful about everything I do, so as not to harm the Earth. I also recycle everything I can.

      I actually think we are more likely to blow ourselves to smithereens using atomic warfare than for global warming to be a big issue, since we can't seem to get along with each other on this planet.

      But people should watch what they are doing to our air, and water, etc. and be mindful of such things, finding a more natural way to exist.


    2. Sunni, to say that "we all have our beliefs on this, the same as we do with politics or religion" is to demonstrate that you need to conduct serious, comprehensive research before offering an opinion as if it were a belief for your so-called belief is not based upon evidence; in fact, it runs counter to the evidence. I'm puzzled about why anyone would not be a "fan" of Bill Moyers. His is one of the few programs with a declared purpose of fully informing viewers.

    3. Connye,

      I guess we can't all be "fans" of the same people. Supposedly, Bill O'Reilly offers a fair and balanced view of issues too, but I am not a "fan" of his either.

      We just have different ideas on some things and I'm fine with that.


  4. Yeah, I don't buy into global warming. What happens when there is another ice age?

    AtoZ Mighty Minion giving you a visit.


  5. Tami,

    There probably will be another ice age eventually.

    Thanks for reading and posting. I'm going to check out your site now.


  6. Bingo! I'll go along with you on this point. What we do may have some influence, but overall I think it comes down to cycles. I'm sure there have been much hotter times in the past just as there have been colder times.

    A Faraway View
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  7. Lee,

    Thanks for coming by and posting. I'm glad you agree with me. I knew not everyone would. But this is the only post I have like this for the challenge. Most of the ones coming up are family stories, more or less.


  8. I'm a firm believer in global warming. The polar ice caps are melting. The species in those areas are in serious danger of losing their food chains, living space, the works. The waters are rising, putting some of the Polynesian Islands in danger of going under. This is real, and it's not slowing down.

    Happy A to Z!

    1. Lillian,

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I appreciate everyone's input on this subject.

      Man does chase species out of their living areas, even when they build new subdivisons all over.

      I still think it's a phase though.

      Happy A to Z


  9. Hi Sunni, I believe it's cyclical and though the snow-caps are melting the insides of continents such as Greenland are thicker with snow than ever before. There's some sort of shift going on and I'm sure we'll understand it someday.

    1. Desert Rocks,

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I agree that there is a shift going on.


  10. A difficult and controversial topic for sure. I'm going to have to ride the fence on this. As a matter of fact, I believe there to multiple fences to straddle on this subject...all with convincing evidence and point made.

    Thanks for stopping by...It's always fun to meet another FabricAholic! I can talk about that subject with decisive conviction....Fabric that is!
    Sue CollectInTexasGal
    AtoZ LoneStar Quilting Bee

    1. Sue,

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. You are right about there being evidence on both sides. I still think it's a phase though.

      I have met some interesting people since signing up for the challenge. I would have never known half of these blogs existed. This is my first year at it. I will likely do it again.

      I can talk about fabric, books, and cats all day long.


  11. Well, the weather where I live is actually less crazy than it was about ten years ago. The Earth does go through climate change naturally, so it's possible that it's happening without it being our fault. Even scientists and doctors who seem to think they know everything, can't possibly know all the variables and complexities of the Earth or the human body.

    The only thing I know for a fact IS man-made is the pollution we send in the sky. Even if that pollution is not causing the Earth's entire climate to change at a faster pace, it is putting out elements that are toxic to humans. We are slowly poisoning ourselves, and giving ourselves diseases such as lung cancer without ever having smoked a cigarette. So for that reason, if for no other, we need to stop destroying our environment.

    From A to Z, Kristen's blog: kristenhead.blogspot.com

  12. Kristen,

    You make some good points and I totally agree with you. I know we are pulluting the air with all of our plants and factories, etc. In that way we are poisoning ourselves. Humans need to find better ways of doing things that won't destroy the environmant.

    Thank you so much for visiting and your comments.



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