Okay, guys, I guess I do way more thinking than I should
about some things. And heaven knows I’m
way past my prime, but the last two weeks before Christmas we were allowed to
wear a Santa hat instead of our usual food demo hat. Naturally, wanting to get in the holiday
spirit, a few of us took them up on this offer.
Now we all know people get more ornery around the holidays
simply because there are lines in all the stores, lots of traffic and a lot of
the time they’re already sold out of what you went to the store to get. Some people are just stinkers all the time,
but I think this happens more during the holidays. I decided I would evaluate the situation
while wearing the Santa hat
I really think seeing this hat reminds people that it is Christmas and it’s supposed to be a time of cheer and goodwill toward all. The hat seems to have an effect on people because I found I had a lot of more mellow customers and none of the ones who spew garbage on a normal day if things aren’t going their way. This is such a positive thing when we have to serve the public for hours at a time, smiling, engaging them in conversation, and standing on our feet the whole time, not to mention cleaning up all the messes people make that they seem to be oblivious to.
The holidays seem to bring out the worst in mankind as well
as the best. And we certainly see some
odd things, such as dumpster diving in Costco.
In this case I’m referring to the trashcans we have everywhere in the
store. It amazes me the things that
people will do for a free sample of anything.
I would never pick through a trash can, but it happens. We have to throw away samples that end up on
the floor because, of course, we can’t serve that to anyone. My coworker had to throw away a piece of
chocolate and two young fellows wanted it so bad that they actually fished it
out of the trashcan and then split it.
So not only was the candy on the floor, but also in the trashcan. Now I don’t want to tell you what also ends
up in the trashcans, so I’ll let you use your imaginations. With this sort of behavior I’m surprised more
people aren’t sick around here.
Sadly Christmas is over now and we’re back to the normal
attire, but I’ve decided I would kill people with kindness for a while and see
what effect that has on their attitude.
Sometimes you can’t help change anyone, but sometimes there a few you
can. That’s what I’m striving for
because rude people get old very fast.