I may chat about my books, what I'm writing or reading, or just general thoughts. You may read posts about my cats or just my crazy life in general. Comments are welcome, if anyone wants to interact with me. Maybe we can share war stories, whether it's writing related or just about life in general.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Time to Dust off the Calculator and Gather Stuff

That dreaded time of the year has arrived once again.  I’ve spent the last three days gathering and adding all the crap needed for taxes.  Ugh!  I’m so glad it is about ready to go.  Somehow that always ends up being my job every year.

Now I’m looking forward to spring and hope it warms up around here pretty quick.  I’m not a very happy camper when it’s cold, but I do my best to stay cheerful anyway.  After all, there is nothing you can do about it.

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