I may chat about my books, what I'm writing or reading, or just general thoughts. You may read posts about my cats or just my crazy life in general. Comments are welcome, if anyone wants to interact with me. Maybe we can share war stories, whether it's writing related or just about life in general.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

My Reflections on the A to Z blog challenge for 2015

We did it!!!

First, let me say I had a blast and can’t believe the challenge is over already.  This was my fourth year doing it and I love it for several reasons.

The challenge forces your mind to think of subjects to use for each letter.  Sometimes you have to get creative, as we all know some letters are difficult.

The challenge forces you to post daily (except Sundays), which is a good thing because it teaches discipline.

We meet many interesting people out there with lots to say.  Without the challenge, we wouldn’t know about the existence of half of these blogs (this is conservative) because the internet is a big place.

The challenge is fun, entertaining and educational.  What more could you ask for?

I know that many times life gets in the way of blogging, so do what I do and write and schedule your posts for the challenge ahead of time.  Once April rolls around you’re ready to go.  I find it fun and easy to read many blogs and leave comments if I abide by this practice.  If I tried to write a post daily and visit blogs, I’d never make it and would find myself stressed.  There’s enough stress in everyday life with unexpected things that come up.  The whole point of the challenge is to meet some interesting people and discover new blogs you want to visit year round.

If you like to write, my suggestion is to plan to do this next year.  If you don’t have a blog, you can start one.  They are free to set up using Blogspot or Word Press.  My advice is to write about what you know.  Put some thought into it and make it worthwhile for someone to read.  It should be at least a hundred words, but not too long.  (I have trouble with the length because I can never shut up)  If you don’t want to blog about your life or hobbies, you can use many themes for blogging.  You can also research subjects for your posts if you have more time.  Don’t forget to proofread before you post.

The other key is to post regularly, at least once a week.  Twice is better.  And always add pictures to your posts.  People love pictures.  Disable the CAPTCHA to make it easier for people to comment.  Once you’re up and running, visit other blogs you enjoy, read what they have to say and leave a comment.  Don’t forget to leave the link for your blog so they can check you out.

You can even post the link to your blog on your Facebook page.  I guarantee you’ll be having fun in no time.

Thank you to all the people who visited my blog during the challenge.  I appreciate you all for reading my posts and leaving a comment.  I look forward to the new relationships I’ve formed and to reading what you have to say during the coming year.


  1. It was quite the month, wasn't it? It was fun, but I'm sure glad it's over. (My reader feed is actually manageable!)

    1. Liz,

      For sure that is one thing about the A to Z - lots of mail. But that's a good thing!

      Thanks for reading.


  2. Congratulations! The A to Z is definitely a Challenge and it does show us what we can do.

    1. Hi DG.

      It definitely does. Usually we can accomplish more than we think we can.

      Thanks for reading.


  3. It was fun and thanks for vising my site, too!


    1. Beth,

      It was fun. I'll be over to visit your site again.

      Thanks for reading my reflections post.


  4. Congrats on completing it 4 years on a row! This was my my first because I wasn't blogging last year. I am glad I found your blog- I always know cat lovers are sweet people. :)

    1. pilch,

      Thank you so much! And congrats to you on finishing the challenge. I hope to see a lot more of your blog as the days and weeks go by.

      Thanks for reading.


  5. Congratulations!! It was my first time and I was stressing because I had not written them before. But I absolutely agree with you on all accounts especially the captcha!
    My Cajun Life

    1. Lisa,

      I really enjoyed your posts on cajun living so I'm glad you decided to take part in the challenge. Don't sress out. The A to Z is manageable, especially if you write and schedule all your posts ahead of time.

      Thanks for visiting me.


  6. Hi Sunni,

    Wow, four years in a row! Congratulations on your success. This was my first one, and like a nut that I am, I did two simultaneously, but I made it.

    I have you bookmarked, so, you'll see me here now and then. Keep up the good work, and thanks for stopping by regularly on my blogs.


    1. Rasheed,

      Thanks and I congratulate you too. I'm not sure how you kept up with two simultaneously, but well done! I found them interesting. Thanks for bookmarking me. I'll be by yours also.


  7. Good reflections post! You definitely gave great advice to write the posts beforehand and then enjoy visiting other people's blogs during the month of April. Congrats on achieving 4 of these!! I'm one behind you; would have been 4 but in 2013 I had a family crisis that came up right before the challenge started so I dropped out.


    1. Betty,

      You never know when a crisis will rear its ugly head. That's why it's good to write and schedule ahead of time. Visiting other blogs is relatively easy after that. I did mine a few here and there throughout the day as time permitted.

      Congrats on your fiinish. Thanks for reading my reflections.


  8. Congratulations on finishing. I enjoyed it and I didn't get around to as many blogs as I wanted. But I will be back to read. And you gave some really good advice here.

    1. Paula,

      Thanks. I'm happy to share things that work for me. Congrats to you too. I bookmarked the 2015 sign up list so I can visit some blogs I didn't get around to - as I have time.

      Thanks for reading my reflection post.


  9. Great tips! You mentioned all the things that I love about this Challenge. This was my second year, but I'm not sure if I'm going to do it next year. These past two Aprils were hectic for me and A to Z just made it even more hectic. I may need a break next year.

    1. Now Chrys,

      Just do what I do - write and schedule your posts ahead of time (Write them in Feb or Mar or earlier if you need to). That way it's covered and you'll have time to visit and comment on blogs during April, without the added stress of writing something to post too.

      I hope you don't want to skip the challenge. You'll have a break for a while now. I've liked this so much I've even contemplated the idea of starting something similar in Sept, but then I ask myself "Are you crazy?" I'm usually gearing up for the NaNo in Sept.

      Thanks for commenting.


  10. It went SO FAST! I did better than last year on my pre-planning, but I'm working to do even more next year. It's definitely fun to be able to hop around and meet other bloggers. I'm really glad that we were able to meet and I look forward to reading your posts outside of A to Z! Congratulations! Elle @ Erratic Project Junkie

    1. Elle,

      I'm glad we were able to meet up too and I'll be reading your posts as well as the months go by.

      Thanks for reading mine and congrats on finishing the A to Z.


  11. I agree with everything you say. I found the challenge a really uplifting experience. My only problem with having open comments was that I got so much spam.

  12. I agree with everything you say. I found the challenge a really uplifting experience. My only problem with having open comments was that I got so much spam.

    1. PL,

      Make sure you block anonymous posters and that should help with the spam, if not eliminate it altogether.

      I'm glad you liked the challenge. Congrats on your finish too.


  13. Great blogging advice. I hope lots of people keep up with their blogging now that April if over.
    Susan Says

    1. Hi Susan,

      I agree that it's a good time for all the newbies to keep going now that they are used to posting. I try to post twice a week most of the time.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  14. I found your blog by way of your reflection, which I agreed with after participating for three years. I love the whole thing, but feel badly for the blogs I found that you can't read, are cluttered etc. (I've said all that in my own reflection.) We both know all the preparation pays off, the more the better. I am grateful for all the things I've learned from others like yourself. I can't find what your other posts before the challenge. Would like to come back and visit now that there is time to breath. Congrats on finishing.

    1. Stepheny,

      I'm glad you found my blog. I'm slowly making my way to the ones on the reflection list. The challenge is tough sometimes but well worth it.

      I have archives for old blog posts on the right side of my blog. You have to scroll down about halfway (past all my cat pics) to find them. I need to move some things around now that the challenge is over.

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I'll be visiting yours.


  15. I just discovered your blog. YAY for me I have 26 of your other articles now to read. Glad I found you! And congratulations on completing the Challenge!!

    --Mee (The Chinese Quest)

    1. Hi Lonnie,

      I'm glad you sound excited to find my blog. I'm discovering new ones as I go through the reflections list. There are so many people that participate in the challenge, it's an impossible task to visit all the blogs in one month.

      Thank you for visiting me. I'll drop by yours as well.


  16. Congrats on completing the A to Z Challenge! Looking forward to next year! See you on the Road Trip!

    Mary @ Jingle Jangle Jungle

    1. Hi Mary,

      I had great fun doing the challenge. Thanks so much for visiting my blog.


  17. Hello there.
    Congratulations on completing the challenge! Great reflections post and tips. Your kitties are cute too...I'm also a cat lover. Just meandering through from the Road Trip.

    Entrepreneurial Goddess

    1. Hi there,

      Glad you stopped by. I'm trying to make it to more of the blogs too and not going as fast as I would like.



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