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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Naughty Cats

Sometimes Raven thinks he’s a dog rather than a cat.  I’ve never seen a cat chew on so much stuff.  He’s two and a half now so shouldn’t be cutting teeth anymore.  At least he’s almost stopped chewing on me like he did when he was a kitten.  He’d bite me all the time and didn’t realize he could hurt someone with his teeth.  He thought it was all play.  Now he nips at my leg and my ankle if I don’t get his food ready soon enough but I know he’s just telling me “Hey, I’m down here and I’m hungry.”  He doesn’t try to hurt me.

 This is Raven after he's nipped at my leg and takes his place on the counter waiting for me to get the food
But he gets a wild hair and chews on the furniture too sometimes and the dried plants.  Some of you might remember me writing about his achievement of making it to the top of the linen closet in the bathroom a few months ago.  Well all that was fine and I didn’t mind him jumping up there to lie under the A/C vent.  But then hubby discovered he was chewing on the corner of the wood cabinet.  Oh dear, not another “cat fix” to come up with.

So here I was in my PJ’s in the garage on the cement floor with a box cutter cutting up cardboard boxes so that I could block the top of this cabinet before I went to work.  It was hot out there and I really didn’t have time for this extra little thing, but I didn’t need to have the cabinet replaced either later on.  So this is what I came up with on short notice.

 I have to live with this thing in the bathroom for now, but you do what you have to do.
Yes, I know it looks tacky but so far it’s working and right now that’s what counts until he outgrows this stage.  I hope he does.  At the moment my house is “cat proofed” so nothing breakable is out where a cat can get to it if he gets bored.

 This is Koki sitting in front of my desktop
I’ve had to do such measures with Koki, my daredevil, too when she was younger, but nothing to this extreme, although we did have the curtain rod blocked for a while so she wouldn’t get up there and walk it.  She would slip down behind the bookcase in the middle of the night and get trapped back there.  She outgrew that idea and so we could remove that obstacle.  I don’t remember any of my other cats being this naughty, or maybe just plain curious.

Cat Chaos on my desk

This is what I came home to the other day.  I walked into my office and was shocked.  I figured Koki and Raven had a chasing match while I was at work.  I’ve never found the top to my paperclip dispenser.  I imagine it’ll show up one day.  My keyboard didn’t come unplugged either so I was lucky there.  Nothing was broken so it was just normal cat chaos.  Thank goodness.  I’m sure there’s more of this to come.


  1. They seem like they have a lot of energy :) Never a dull moment for sure!


    1. No Betty,

      There's not too many dull moments in my house. Thanks for reading.


  2. I think this is why some cats become outdoor cats...

    1. Liz,

      That very well could be, but to throw them outside here would only spell doom and I'd never do that. I guess I'll put up with their antics before causing them any harm - and they know it.

      Thanks for reading.


  3. I would have thought I had been robbed if I came home to that.

    1. Pilch,

      How funny. I guess I would think the same thing but I know my cats are little devils if left to their own devices all day.

      Thanks for leaving a comment.



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