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Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year

Celebrate with good sense

Hi everyone.  I could write some craziness as things cross my mind all the time that bring a smile to my face.  I guess this is a good thing, although sometimes I do have to question my sanity.

Just Friday my boss called asking me to come into work on short notice.  I had ten minutes to get there because someone had called in at the last minute.  Of course it takes me longer to get to work than ten minutes, but this would’ve been okay.  The situation was I wasn’t dressed for work so I couldn’t just bolt to the car and get on the road.  I had planned to spend the day finishing the calendar for my mother.  So I said no, even though I rarely do that.  There is life beyond work after all.

I felt bad about saying no because I honestly love the people I work with, the customers not so much because most of them are very rude and disrespectful toward us.  But I would miss most of my coworkers immensely if I ever left there.  One of them is leaving.  Saturday was her last day so we said out goodbyes on Friday.  She and her sister helped me so much when I first started there.  I’ll always be grateful for that and will pay it forward to all the newcomers because it really helps to have someone on your side when you’re new and trying to learn everything.

Tonight I had finished the calendar, finally I might add, and I was feeling giddy because I have so little time for extra activities beyond work and daily life.  I actually accomplished a big task I’d been working on for the last month. 

 Clip art from the net.  I've never tired of watching this movie.
I was sitting in my chair tonight trying to relax and thinking about being Dorothy on the Wizard of Oz.  She finally made it home with Toto and said, “I love you so much Auntie Em and Uncle Henry.”  I envisioned myself hugging some of my coworkers and saying what a pleasure it is to have them in my life.  Now maybe this has been on mind because a coworker and I were talking about the Wizard of Oz on Friday.  We were discussing riding out brooms about the warehouse because we were constantly sweeping.  We both wondered who the bad witch on the Wizard of Oz was because we knew the good witch was Glenda. 

I had to giggle at myself.  Hubby was cooking dinner and told me to stop talking so I was fantasizing instead and thinking I must have the perfect job because it requires me to talk all day long.  Now I know my brother-in-law would also have a fit because he always says my family was born with a phonograph needle in our mouths.  Oh my!  That is so funny, don’t you think?  All of us are talkers and I can’t really envision life any other way.

Happy New Year to all of you who are following me.  I hope 2017 is the best ever.


  1. Wishing you and your family ( kitties included)a happy and healthy 2017!

    1. pilch,

      The same to you and all your kitties. :-)


  2. I read somewhere the number of words a woman needs to say every day. I don't talk much but I type a lot so that probably helps get my quota in :)

    Glad you got the calendar done!

    Happy New Year!


    1. Betty,

      LOL They actually did a study on how much women talk? I'll have to look that up. I also type a lot when I can (books I'm working on and blog posts and email.) I guess I get more than my daily quota. No wonder I drive hubby crazy!

      Yes, it feels so good to finally get that calendar finished. I guess I'll have to start on it earlier next year. Life gets way to busy in Nov and Dec especially.

      Happy New Year to you and your family also.


  3. Having good coworkers makes the job go easier. Glad you have that.

    1. Liz,

      Definitely! I would miss that way more than the members.

      I hope you had a great New Years.


  4. Hi Sunni! Happy New Year! Thank you for the well wishes. I wish you all the best for 2017. You have the mind of a writer and writers see the world differently, so you're not insane you're creative and imaginative and we love to fantasize also. ;D Sometimes you just have to say, "No!". I understand you shouldn't do it all the time but sometimes 'No' is the right response and people just have to understand.

    1. Vashti,

      I guess that was a pretty wacky New Years post, wasn't it? Oh well, my imagination does get the best of me at times.

      You're right, sometimes no is the right answer. I simply had to finish that calendar for my mother, so I'm glad I did say no. That lifted a big weight off my shoulders.

      Thank you for the 2017 wishes. I know it will be a good year.



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