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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The most sociable boy I know

Raven and Snuggles

I’m talking about Raven and his love of play dates with the cat across the street.  But it’s not only play dates, this cat comes running when I get the carrier out of the garage.  He can’t get inside fast enough once I open the door.  I’ve never known a cat that liked to go so much and I’ve had cats all my life.

I must be crazy carrying him across the street in the triple-digit heat, but I can’t deny him all the pleasure he gets out of visiting.  Raven has put on some weight and is no longer a kitten, so this task isn’t as easy as it used to be, but I try to take him over to my neighbor’s at least once when I’m watching her cat while she’s gone on one of her hiking and camping trips.

Raven and Snuggles

This boy even relishes going to the vet.  Imagine that.  I have to chase the others down when it’s time for a vet visit.

I have to mention Raven’s a good boy and always knows when it’s time to say goodbye.  He’ll get in the carrier on his own with no prompting from me.  The problem is he refuses to get out once I get home because I think he’s afraid he’ll miss going somewhere else.  I’ve never seen anything like this behavior before.  He usually spends the night in the carrier.  When he’s busy eating breakfast the next day, I can return the carrier to the garage.


Do any of you have animals that love to go places?


  1. How cute with Raven! Nice to have a sociable cat with good manners too :) Our corgi loved to go places too; he knew the words "want to go for a car ride" and he would be so excited to get ready to go. He hated being left behind (would bark for about 5-10 minutes when we crated him and left).


    1. Betty,

      Raven does act more like a dog at times than a cat. I've never had a cat that liked to go all the time. He cries at the door if I leave him behind.

      Thanks for reading and leaving a comment.


  2. That's too funny. My brother's cats hate the carrier. He has to grab them and force them in. And the cat cries... We're not talking about a vet trip, either.

    1. Liz,

      This cat likes to go anywhere - even the vet. We have to force our others in the cage.

      Thanks for reading.



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