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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

He wants to eat my face

Raven has his daily rituals.  When he was a wee kitten, he would bite my toes all the time and attack my feet in bed to get me up.  He wants to eat when he wants to eat.  Period!  He’ll get my attention one way or another.

He always goes to the kitchen and falls over at my feet when I’m cooking dinner.  I have to be very careful so as not to step on him.  My husband did a couple of times and it really freaked him out.  He hid for a long time and wouldn’t come near the kitchen.  If you don’t know he’s there, it’s easy to trip over him.

Now that he’s grown, he still wants to eat NOW when he’s hungry.  I usually get on the computer in the afternoon and once 5 PM rolls around, he comes in and starts bugging the heck out of me.  He stands in front of the computer screen, or lies across my arm and hand so I can’t type or use the mouse.

If that doesn’t work, he starts pawing at the cursor on my computer screen.  Finally, he’ll attack my head, biting and pulling sections of hair out of my hair clip.  He’ll keep this up until I get up to wash his bowl.  Then he falls over at my feet until I get it ready, gently nipping at my toes if I’m not going fast enough.

But he makes me laugh so hard at some of his antics.  I can’t ever be mad if he bites at me.  He’s never doing it in a mean way.  Raven’s a precious little soul.


  1. so precious. I love cats. they are so playful in a gentle way.

    1. Mr W

      I love all my cats so much, but this little one is always up to something. He loves to play.

      Thanks for reading.


  2. so precious. I love cats. they are so playful in a gentle way.

  3. Replies
    1. pilch,

      I think Raven knows he's cute too. He has me wrapped around his finger.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  4. Replies
    1. Liz,

      Raven loves to chew on me. He bites my toes and legs almost daily.

      Thanks for reading.


  5. He definitely likes his routine and definitely knows how to get your attention :) He is a cute cat indeed!! Koda used to stare at me when it was close to time for him to eat. I think I mentioned he had diabetes and had to get feed 12 hours apart for the insulin so we couldn't feed him earlier, but he always wanted to try to be :)


    1. Betty,

      Pets will always try to see if you give in. Raven knows when it's dinner time and he bugs me until I feed him. One of my older cats became diabetic in his last year of life and I had to give him pills, but he was very good about it.

      Thanks for reading and leaving a comment.



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