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Monday, April 2, 2018

B is for Beryl

Pink beryl

Beryl can be green, blue, yellow or pink.  It’s a transparent crystal.  If it’s green, it’s emerald, blue is aquamarine.

Green beryl not yet cut and polished

The green form, emerald, has been valuable for a long time.  It was mined in ancient Egypt from the second millennium BC until 1370.  India and Europe received all their emeralds from Egypt.

Aquamarine beryl in quartz

Aquamarine beryl

The name aquamarine wasn’t used until the sixteenth century.  Long ago it was a sailor’s talisman.


  1. Never knew that! I confess I know very little about gemstones...

    1. John,

      I didn't know I would be posting about gemstones either until the last minute. I studied with GIA years ago.



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