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Thursday, April 6, 2017

E is for Email

I Have Email Overload

Boy do I get a lot of that!  I don’t know about any of you, but I am a terrible offender about emailing myself links that I just don’t have time to read right now.  Sometimes I wish I didn’t have to rush through things all the time because life sure would be easier, but then I probably wouldn't accomplish much each day either.  I guess some of these things can be a double-edged sword.

I love all the new technology we have these days.  I can’t imagine the world without the internet and email.  And to think that only a few years ago, I thought the fax machine was such a marvelous invention.  I guess that's really showing my age.

Today you can find out anything about anything on the internet.  Sometimes I wonder who had all the time to type up all that stuff.  Keeping in touch has never been easier either.  With email, the recipient gets it instantly, not like a letter that may take a week to arrive.  Then they can answer you in their own time, making it convenient for everybody and better than picking up the phone sometimes.

I spend hours every day at my computer because writing books takes a lot of time.  It's so nice to know if I have to search for a fact; it's right at my fingertips, just a click or two away.  The only problem with this is I usually find myself sidetracked by other info I want to read, and I really wasn’t looking for just then.  So hence, more email to me from me.  Having 4500 emails in my inbox, at any given time, is a common thing for me.  However, this presents another daunting task.  I have no extra time to go through them, yet I can’t break myself from this habit.  Maybe there is a “Computer-a-holics Anonymous,” with an email division that I can join.

I'm excited to see where we are in twenty years.  Of course, by then maybe I’ll be too old to care, but technology is exciting.

This is re-blogged from a post I did in 2013.  The same situation still applies with my email.


  1. Funny, I can't stand to have any emails in my in box. Got to get them cleared as soon as I can. I do like all the technology we have available these days, but only if used wisely. Some people go overboard with phone usage, etc.


    1. Betty,

      I guess I need your standards for weeding out email. That's just something I don't do often and probably never will. Time is a big factor for me.

      I do agree with the over usage of phones. People are addicted to them. I hate to see that everywhere I go. Restaurants, waiting rooms, stores, everyone is on the phone all the time.


  2. I agree with Betty. I clean out my emails as fast as I get them. I do know that is hard for you though since you are on the go all the time. I love my tablet too. I usually curl up on the couch at night and mess with it. I can't wait also to see what is next.

    1. Thea,

      Yes, time is a big issue for me. I'm lucky if I can get an hour or two of computer time a day. I have to use that for something else, like writing, instead of cleaning out my inbox.

      I still have a lot of posts to write for the A to Z and get them posted in time for the correct day. Right now my computer time is usually spent doing that. I visit some blogs as I can, but never as many as I want to.


  3. There are other ways to bookmark articles that you want to read later. If it's something you frequently read, you could look into a feed reader (I use Feedly) to collect things until you can sit down and look at them.

    The two I know are Pocket and Evernote. I found an article (sorry!) that gives you some ideas: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/9-tools-to-save-what-you-read-on-the-web-for-later/

    1. Liz,

      Don't be sorry. Suggestions are always good and I appreciate them. I'll check out the link you posted.



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