I may chat about my books, what I'm writing or reading, or just general thoughts. You may read posts about my cats or just my crazy life in general. Comments are welcome, if anyone wants to interact with me. Maybe we can share war stories, whether it's writing related or just about life in general.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Cats like to be the Center of Attention

This is okay most of the time, but can be annoying when you’re trying to read or sleep.  My cats definitely do their own thing and on their schedule.  When they want attention, they want it now.  At times like this there is nothing you can do.  Stopping everything and petting them for about ten minutes usually does the trick.  That’s all they want is ten minutes at a time usually.  After that, they are annoyed and ready to leave.


Koki - Sunni's Photo's

Koki - Sunni's Photo's
This one hates me to read the paper in the morning.  This is what she does almost everyday.  So I seldom get the paper finished unless I do it later in the day.  She also has a fetish with the dishwasher and has to keep watch when I run it because it makes noise.  I have no idea what she is thinking, perhaps that some monster will show up for her to tackle.


Comet - Sunni's Photo's
This one wakes me up at night, or prevents me from getting to sleep.  This is the pacer of the group.  Whatever I’m doing, she has to get on me and pace back and forth.  Se can’t stay still for two minutes.  She loves to stand in front of my monitor and walk on the keyboard.  This can be a very bad thing when I’m writing.  This only happens with the desktop, so lately I’ve had the laptop downstairs.  It is too hot upstairs right now anyway, but working downstairs presents another problem - noise.  I need quiet to work and can’t think with the TV or videos in the background.


Tootie - Sunni's Photo's
This cat is the gourmet.  She will beg from our plates every night and has always been this way since adopting us at about six months of age.  She is now thirteen.  If we give her food, it is lean meat, chicken, or fish with no breading or spices.  Our vet in CA used to tell us this was okay as long as the meat is lean.  Of course, she doesn’t get much anyway – just a taste and she seems to be okay with this, although she got to our plates once and scarfed up a couple of big chunks of tomato in the spaghetti sauce.  I’ve never seen domestic animals eat tomatoes.  She loves Italian food.


Do you have cat stories to share?


  1. My former feral kitty, Lila, walks into my office several times a day, lets out a loud meaow! and then turns her back with her butt up for scratching. Meadow, on the other hand, comes in and paws at my leg and walks me over to her spot for petting. Hysterical.

    1. Hi Jagoda,

      Thanks for reading and commenting. I thought it was time for another kitty post.

      Your cats sound so sweet. They all have their ways and personalities.


  2. Koki, Comet and Tootie are adorable, and so funny. It's cute how they all have their distinct personalities. <3

    1. Vashti,

      Thanks for visiting and your comment. All cats do have their own personalities.



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